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Today, March 30, 2015, 4 hours ago | hldenniephoto@gmail.com (HLDennie) When: Mon Apr 6, 2015 7pm to 8:30pmCDT
Replaces event originally scheduled for: Mon Apr 6, 2015 7pm
EventStatus: confirmed
Event Description: Bi-Weekly Meeting ?Wednesday, ?March ?18,?2015, ??10:00:47 PM | hldenniephoto@gmail.com (HLDennie) When: Sat Mar 21, 2015 10am to 1pmCDT
Where: At kroger
Event Status: tentative
Event Description:We are set for March 21 10-1 and March 28 1-4 at the Kroger near city place.Clif Kroger—10am-12:50 4241 Capital Dallas, TX 75204 Just north of City Place,behind the Bank of America Monday, March 16, 2015, 7:43:02 PM | hldenniephoto@gmail.com (HLDennie) When: Sun Mar 22, 2015 2pm to 3pmCDT
Event Status: tentative Friday, March 13, 2015, ??11:19:50 PM | hldenniephoto@gmail.com (HLDennie) When: Sat Mar 14, 2015 9am to 10amCDT
Event Status: tentative
Event Description: camp cards. We have9-12 at Dicks on at park lane March 14,that's the day of the St Patrick'sparade. If folks want to work the parade we can walk over...but that's a TBA.Saturday March 14, 2015 DICKS Sporting goods— 9-12:50 8030 Park Lane Dallas, TX75231 (Across from North Park Mall—let’s work the door inside the parkinggarage) If anyone wishes we can also work the (St. Patricks Day) paraderoute Tuesday, March 10, 2015, 5:07:01 PM | hldenniephoto@gmail.com (HLDennie) When: Fri Apr 17, 2015
Event Status:confirmed
Event Description: Selma Reenactment March to be held on Saturday,March 21, 2015 at 12:30 p.m. on the Continental Avenue Bridge located at 109Continental Avenue, Dallas, TX 75207. I will provide lunch for everyone, soplease by March 17, 2015, email Alice Richardson, alice.richardson@scouting.org,with a total of attendance. Tuesday, March 10,?2015, 5:05:09 PM | hldenniephoto@gmail.com (HLDennie) When: Sat Apr 25, 2015 to Sun Apr 26, 2015
Event Status: confirmed
Event Description: Earth Day, Saturday &Sunday, April 25-26, 2015
?Tuesday, ?March ?10,?2015, ??5:03:35 PM | hldenniephoto@gmail.com (HLDennie) When: Sat Mar 21, 2015 12:30pm to 1:30pmCDT
Where: 109 Continental Avenue, Dallas, TX 75207
Event Status:confirmed
Event Description: Selma Reenactment March to be held on Saturday,March 21, 2015 at 12:30 p.m. on the Continental Avenue Bridge located at 109Continental Avenue, Dallas, TX 75207. I will provide lunch for everyone, soplease by March 17, 2015, email Alice Richardson, alice.richardson@scouting.org,with a total of attendance. ?Tuesday, ?March ?10,?2015, ??3:04:34 PM | hldenniephoto@gmail.com (HLDennie) When: Sat Mar 28, 2015 1pm to 4pmCDT
Where: Kroger
Event Status: tentative
Event Description: Weare set for March 21 10-1 and March 28 1-4 at the Kroger near city place.Kroger—1pm-4pm 4241 Capital Dallas, TX 75204 Just north of City Place, behindthe Bank of America Thursday, March 05, 2015, 3:27:19 PM | hldenniephoto@gmail.com (HLDennie) When: Sat May 30, 2015 8pm to 9pmCDT
Event Status: tentative
Event Description: Yes, as Scout Masteryou will be the MC :) We have a program and you will direct everyone through it.:) Oh, another thing...speaker. Who do you know who can encourage these boys andgive value to their journey as Scouts and Black men. Let me know so I can add itto the program and tickets. Check with Keith if you have any doubts orconcerns ?Thursday, ?March ?05,?2015, ??12:44:11 PM | hldenniephoto@gmail.com (HLDennie) When: Fri Apr 17, 2015 6pm to Fri Apr 17,2015 10pm CDT
Event Status: confirmed
Event Description: OA SectionConclave Friday, April 17, 2015 - 6:00pm to Sunday, April 19, 2015 - 10:00am@Camp Don Harrington Google Maps Staff Lead: Scott Arringtonscott.arrington@scouting.org 214-902-6778 Thursday, March 05, 2015, ??12:36:15 PM | hldenniephoto@gmail.com (HLDennie) When: Fri Mar 20, 2015
Where: Dallas,TX, USA
Event Status: confirmed
Event Description: Dallas MavericksScout Night Friday, March 20, 2015 - 7:30pm Staff Lead: Matt FontanaMatt.Fontana@dallasmavs.com 214-658-7609 Dallas Mavericks Scout Night Come enjoythe Dallas Mavericks as we take on the Memphis Grizzlies with the ScoutCommunity! On this special night all Scouts, friends, and family can purchasetickets at a discounted price - PLUS all Scouts will receive a commemorativeMavericks patch! The first 300 to buy a ticket will have the opportunity to takea postgame shot on the basket! Tickets will sell out - Order today!mavsscoutnight2.pdf ?Wednesday, ?February ?11,?2015, ??10:25:14 AM | hldenniephoto@gmail.com (HLDennie) When: Tue Feb 17, 2015 6pm to 7pmCST
Who: BSA Troop 914 & 467 Schedule
Where: Headquarters
Event Status: confirmed
Event Description: February 17th is the campcard kickoff. Someone from your group must attend to pick up the cards. Thisannouncement is to remind you all to sign up for the annual Camp Card salefundraiser, which can be done at: circleten.org/camp-card-unit-sales-sign Youwill need to designate a Camp Card Chair for your unit and provide his or hercontact info at sign up. Camp Card Kickoffs will be held in one location perdesignated service area on February 17th at 7:00PM. Click here for a list ofKickoff locations. YOUR UNIT MUST BE SIGNED UP BEFORE THE KICKOFF AND PRESENT ATONE OF THE KICKOFF LOCATIONS IN ORDER TO RECEIVE CAMP CARDS ON TIME. NOTE: Ifyour unit is a part of the Scoutreach program you are obligated to participatein the Camp Card fundraiser. Here is some basic information regarding the annualCamp Card sale fundraiser:http://circleten.org/sites/circleten.org/files/media/2015_camp_card_promotional_document_lg.pdfEven if your unit is not in need of additional funds, we encourage you to signup and participate to support Circle Ten Council, its camps and programs. I amone of the Camp Card coaches for West Park District. Please feel free to contactme with questions. Best of luck! Wes Curtin -- Wes Curtin 801.318.5603wes.curtin@gmail.com linkedin.com/in/wescur Thursday, February 05, 2015, ??1:35:37 PM | hldenniephoto@gmail.com (HLDennie) When: Mon Apr 20, 2015
Event Status:confirmed ?Thursday, ?February ?05,?2015, ??1:32:05 PM | hldenniephoto@gmail.com (HLDennie) When: Sat Nov 14, 2015
Who: BSA Troop914 & 467 Schedule
Event Status: confirmed ?Monday, ?January ?19,?2015, ??5:02:24 PM | hldenniephoto@gmail.com (HLDennie) When: Sat Jan 17, 2015
Who: BSA Troop914 & 467 Schedule
Event Status: confirmed
Event Description: CampCard Fundraiser This is a Risk Free Unit Sales project where all Scouts can earntheir way to Camp, Philmont, other activities or simply support unit program orsup-ply needs. Each Camp Card will sell for only $5.00 to the general public andwill have multiple food, service and entertainment discounts for the customer touse throughout the year. The participating unit will keep 50% commission foreach Camp Card sold! Sign up today atcircleten.org/2015-circle-ten-council-camp-card-unit-commitment-form. The salebegins February 17th! ?Monday, ?January ?19,?2015, ??4:36:42 PM | hldenniephoto@gmail.com (HLDennie) When: Sun Jun 21, 2015 to Sat Jun 27, 2015
Where: Camp Constantin, 3003 Park Road 36, Graford, TX 76449, UnitedStates
Event Status: confirmed
Event Description: 2015 Summer Camp atCamp Constantin This event has Multiple Occurences. Select the Occurence whenmaking the reservation. This is a week long summer resident camp at CampConstantin, Jack D. Furst Aquatic Base. ?Monday, ?January ?19,?2015, ??4:23:39 PM | hldenniephoto@gmail.com (HLDennie) When: Sat Apr 18, 2015 7:30am to 5pmCDT
Where: Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX, United States
Event Status: confirmed
Event Description: Northern Lights Merit BadgeCollege at SMU-in-Plano Sat, Apr 18, 2015 Northern Lights District will behosting its 2nd Annual Merit Badge College on April 18th at SMU-in-Plano. Scoutswill have the opportunity to work on/earn up to two merit badges. The cost is$10 per Scout and includes a pizza lunch. Merit Badge classes will offered in afour-hour morning slot - starting at 8am - or an afternoon slot - starting 1pm.Registration and payment must be made online. Check-in begins at 7:30am. Pleasebe prompt as the morning classes will begin at 8am SHARP! Merit Badges offeredin the morning session (8am): Citizenship in the Community (CLOSED) CookingCrime Prevention Electricity Energy Engineering Environmental Science Reptileand Amphibian Study Merit Badges offered in the afternoon session (1pm): ChessCoin Collecting Communications Digital Technology Game Design Personal FitnessPersonal Management Veterinary Medicine Please remember that after registeringand making payment, you still need to schedule your merit badge classes. Go tothe CampMaster homepage - https://circle10.camp-master.com Click on “NorthernLights Merit Badge College” in the “My Current Reservations” area and edit yourreservation to make merit badge selections ?Monday, ?January ?19,?2015, ??4:21:18 PM | hldenniephoto@gmail.com (HLDennie) When: Fri Feb 20, 2015 10am to 11amCST
Where: Clements Scout Ranch / Trevor Rees-Jones Scout Camp, 11217Farm to Market Road 2970, Athens, TX 75751, United States
Event Status:confirmed
Event Description: Orienteering Course Setter & Merit BadgeCounselor Training at Camp Trevor Rees-Jones Fri, Feb 20, 2015 Circle 10 Counciland the North Texas Orienteering Association (NTOA) are co-sponsoring trainingaimed at scout leaders and volunteers interested in adding sport orienteering totheir unit or district programs. Orienteering, also known as the “ThinkingSport”, is an international sport that is challenging, fast paced, and fun. Itbuilds core scouting skills as participants put their map and compass skills tothe test. Participants in this hands-on course will learn the sport from theground up and leave with the skills necessary to design, setup and runorienteering courses in their units or districts. This training also provides anexcellent foundation for Orienteering Merit Badge Counselors ?Thursday, ?January ?15,?2015, ??12:03:17 PM | hldenniephoto@gmail.com (HLDennie) When: Tue Jan 20, 2015 9:30am to 12pmCST
Where: St. Philip's School and Community Center, 1600 PennsylvaniaAvenue, Dallas, TX 75215, United States
Event Status: confirmed
EventDescription: Hello Scout Leaders, Some of you may know that I am a science andmath teacher at St. Philip's School and Community Center (1600 Pennsylvania Ave.Dallas, 75215). We will be hosting our annual school Science Fair next week andI am looking for a few volunteers to help judge projects. The fair will takeplace at the school on Tuesday, January 20, and the time commitment for youwould be 9:00 a.m. until about11:30. If you are able to assist as a volunteerplease forward your name and a brief email to me at the following email address:tstevens@stphilips.com. I look forward to hearing from you. Tia Stevens Wife of Assistant Troop Leader Anthony Stevens
?Monday, ?January ?12,?2015, ??3:06:15 PM | hldenniephoto@gmail.com (HLDennie) When: Mon Jan 19, 2015 9am to 1pmCST
Replaces event originally scheduled for: Mon Jan 19, 20157pm
Where: St Luke Community UMC, 5710 East R L Thornton Freeway, Dallas,TX 75223, United States
Event Status: confirmed
Event Description:Monday, January 19 9:00 a.m. We will meet at St. Luke's Youth Building andproceed to the parade. ( Parade starts at MLKBlvd and Holmes Street10:00 a.m.)Dallas Festival 10:00 a.m. Grand Building Fair Park - Dallas At 12:00 we willreturn to the Youth Building for parent pick up. PIck up at 1:00p.m. ?Monday, ?January ?12,?2015, ??2:55:41 PM | hldenniephoto@gmail.com (HLDennie) When: Sun Feb 8, 2015 7:30am to 12:30pmCST
Where: St. Luke “Community” United Methodist Church
Event Status:confirmed
Event Description: Scout Day will be at St. Luke "Community"United Methodist Church onSunday, February 8, 2015 at 8 am and 11 am. Pleasecarefully review the details herein below. 2015 Scout Sunday St. Luke“Community” United Methodist Church Required for All Scouts What Annual ScoutSunday When Sunday, February 8, 2015 Arriveat 7:45 am for 1st Service and10:45am for 2ndService *Breakfast served after 1stservice only! Where St. Luke“Community” United Methodist Church Main Campus 5710 East R.L. Thornton FreewayDallas, Texas 75223 214-821-2970 www.slcumc.org · Why Recognized and CelebrateAccomplishments; Thank supporters and share success and recruit ·Attire Scoutsand Leaders: Class “A” uniform with all Merit Badge Sashes, Order of ArrowSashes, Neckerchiefs, awards, etc. ?Tuesday, ?January ?06,?2015, ??12:04:57 AM | hldenniephoto@gmail.com (HLDennie) When: Fri Jan 23, 2015 6pm to 9pmCST
Who: BSA Troop 914 & 467 Schedule
Event Status:confirmed ?Tuesday, ?January ?06,?2015, ??12:04:40 AM | hldenniephoto@gmail.com (HLDennie) When: Sat Jan 24, 2015 10am to 11amCST
Event Status: confirmed ?Tuesday, ?January ?06,?2015, ??12:02:04 AM | hldenniephoto@gmail.com (HLDennie) When: Thu Jan 15, 2015 7:30pm to 8:30pmCST
Event Status: confirmed ?Monday, ?January ?05,?2015, ??6:17:33 PM | hldenniephoto@gmail.com (HLDennie) When: Fri Mar 6, 2015 8am to Sun Mar 8, 20159am CST
Event Status: tentative

Event Calendar BSA914 l Dallas, TX
Our Boy Scout Troop maintains an Annual Event Calendar. Our schedule generally follows the Dallas Independent School District. There are no meetings on school holidays,federal or state holidays. This is subject to change without notice.
Access to the Annual Event Calendar requires login.
Note: This is not guaranteed to be 100% accurate. See your Senior Patrol Leader or Patrol Leader.