Forms and Resources | Circle Ten Council
See Camping, Color Guard and Forms Page
BSA 914 l Dallas, TX
Council Forms and Applications
Click here for a list of Forms & Applications
Click here for the Circle Ten Council Newsletter.
Below is a list of on-line BSA resources.
·Internet Recharter
·Internet Advancement
·My Scouting
·Insurance Policy and Claims Forms
·Positive Public Relations
·Guide to Safe Scouting
·Youth Protection Training
·Insignia Guide
·Tour and Activities Plan
·EmergencyMedical Centers for Camp
·Risk Management
·National Scouting Museum
·MyScoutingTools Release 1.1
·YouthProtection Training Compliance
Circle Ten Council (Rev. 05-31-2016)
Forms, Applications, and Resources
Belowis a list of latest official versions of popular forms and applicationsavailable to download. If you would like to see others added, please email themto the webmaster.
COPE/Climbing Reservation Form
For more information, visit the COPE/Climbingpage.
TheRock Program is on hiatus until the Spring when the new standards will bereleased.
Risk Management
Frequently Asked Questions aboutthe NEW BSA HEALTH FORM
Immunization Exemption Request
Thiscampership is for Scouts who live in rural areas only!
Boy Scout and Webelos ResidentCamp Campership Application
Use of BSA logos for bakeries
If you are planning a celebration and would like to use BSA logos on yourcakes, you will need to fill out a form and get it approved and returned to thebakery first. For Cub Scout logos, please click here. For Eaglelogos, please click here. Return theform(s) toJohn Simpson for final approval.
Uniform Inspection Sheets
Unit Worksheets
Journey To Excellence
Awards and Applications
Progress Records and Leader Knots
Youwill need Acrobat® Reader to view and print these forms. This free software maybe downloaded from Adobe.
Forms on Other Official Sites
Below is a list of online BSA resources. If you would like to see othersadded, please email them to the webmaster.
BSA National Forms
§ First Aid Logfor Council/District Activity, No. 680-127WB
For a council/district activity or event including day camps. Single-Page Version
| Duplex Version 
§ Routine Drug Administration Record
The Tall Pines Council risk management committee has provided a form that maybe of benefit for your next event.
§ Program Hazard Analysis
(PHA),No. 680-009
This evaluation process is used to systematically identify, assess, and resolvehazards associated with
program activities that support the vision, mission, and goals of the BoyScouts of America. An analysis
should be conducted for new program activities, for modifications to orexpansions of existing activities,
or for existing program activities with newly recognized hazards.
§ Program Hazard Analysis Narrative
Word file that can be used to report on the program being analyzed as partof a PHA.
§ Program HazardAnalysis Matrix
Word file that can be used to document potential hazards andassociated cause, effect, and mitigation/controls during the PHAexecution.
§ Incident Information Report
,No. 680-016
Used to report all injuries, illnesses, and incidents during Scoutingactivities or on council-owned properties that require the intervention of amedical provider beyond basic Scout-rendered first aid.
§ Near Miss IncidentInformation Report
,No. 680-017
Used to report near misses in programs such as COPE and climbingactivities. A near miss does not result in injury, illness, or damage bydefinition, but it had the potential to do so.
§ Tour andActivity Plan
Effective May 10, 2012, the tour and activity plan supersedes all priortour plans and the local and national tour permits. The link will take you toan interactive FAQ page, where you can learn about tour and activity planning.However, we encourage you to use the online process via your MyScouting
§ Flying Plan Application, No. 680-672
The flying plan is an additional tool to plan your next basic or advancedorientation flight and is used to provide supplemental information with thetour and activity plan.
§ BSA Hot-Air BallooningTether Guidelines and FAQs
§ Activity Consent Form andApproval by Parents or Legal Guardian
Required for BSA aviation flights and recommended for all activities.
§ Meeting Place InspectionChecklist 
§ Annual Health and Medical Record. Please see this Webpage for instructions and links to the the record.
§ FAQs concerning the newAnnual Health and Medical Record
§ Immunization ExemptionRequest
Request for exemption from tetanus immunization requirement.
§ Medical Care ExemptionRequest
Request for exemption from medical care.
§ Immunization Information
Updated (October 2008) immunization policy and support information. The BoyScouts of America encourages all members of the Scouting community to becomefully protected with vaccines that are now available to prevent infectiousdiseases that are dangerous for children and adults living in the UnitedStates.
See other forms below: