Scoutingfor Food
A Scout is helpful! Help us to help others.
BSA 914 l Dallas, TX
Thanks to Tom Thumb for their 26 Years of Support!
The Circle Ten Council, Boy Scouts of America salutes Tom Thumb Food and Pharmacy for their ongoing support of Scouting for Food in North Texas. Tom Thumb has sponsored Circle Ten Council's largest service project since 1988, helping the Boy Scouts collect more than 9.8 million cans of food for local pantries in our communities.
From theBoy Scouts of America Troop 914...Thank you!
Scouting for Food... A Scout is Helpful
Scouting for Food is the largest single-day food collection event in Dallas and one of the largest in the nation. On one day, approximately 30,000 Scouts godoor-to-door collecting non-perishable food items for the less fortunate. The food is then distributed to local food pantries and assistance agencies across Circle Ten Council.
Tom Thumb has sponsored this food drive for 26 years and collects food at their location throughout the entire month of February. If you would like to participate and do not receive a bag in February or would just like to help out more, you can drop your food items at the collection barrel at your local Tom Thumb store.
What is Scouting for Food?
Scouting for Food is the largest door-to-door food collection effort in the Dallas-FortWorth area benefiting more than 45 assistance agencies across the area.
Who helps with Scouting for Food?
Scouting for Food involves approximately 30,000 Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturers,friends, family and volunteers from the Circle Ten Council, BSA.
2014 Scouting for Food Dates:
February8, 2013 & February 15, 2013
Food items can also be dropped off at any Tom Thumb Food and Pharmacy throughout the month of February!
Resources for Units Participating in Scouting for Food:
If your unit would like to participate in the 2014 Scouting for Food Drive please sign up here!
2014 Sponsors:
·Tom Thumb
·The Dallas Morning News