St. Luke "Community" United Methodist Church
Welcome to a place that offers “Radical Hospitality”. This is our new Re-branding face of St. Luke. Come and literally “walk on the Red Carpet” as you enter our worship space. You are very special to us and it is our desire and our goal to offer you our brand of Radical Hospitality. We believe you are an angel sent our way. As a bible believing, bible affirming church, we are careful to offer God’s best to all who come our way.
We are the church that reaches up to God, reaches into God’s word and out to our community—with Radical Hospitality. Come and experience the “radical” things God is doing at St. Luke. Join us for worship at 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Sundays, 6:00 p. m. Wednesday Night Live and every 1st Sunday 6:00 p.m. for our Gospel Jazz Worship Celebration.
We also offer long term and short term bible studies, ministries for all age levels, wonderful opportunities for community service, great fellowship and God-honoring, Jesus inspiring, Holy Spirit anointing Radical Hospitality! Come see us soon!
Rev. Dr. Michael L. Bowie, Jr.
Senior Pastor
Visit our new Church On-Line Business Directory
by B2Bidr, Taylor Kennedy Foundation, Inc. and iWell Life.
St. Luke "Community" United Methodist Church
5710 East R. L. Thornton Freeway (I-30)
Dallas, TX 75223
214.821.2970 Main Office
214.821.3791 Main Fax
Mission Statement
St.Luke is called to proclaim the gospel, transform lives and make disciples forJesus Christ.
Vision Statement
Guided by the Holy Spirit and in the spiritof radical hospitality, we will transform lives by embracing, nurturing andserving children, youth, adults, and families in our church and our community.We will be advocates and prophetic voices in the community for all underservedand oppressed peoples — pursuing excellence in all we do.
Main Campus
We are a church committed to continuing our mission of reaching up to God and out into the community. We do this though our mission, vision, and core values.
Zan W. Holmes, Jr. “Community” Life Center
Part of St. Luke “Community” United Methodist Church's vision is to have a community life center where the community could gather and could promote activities which would help individual and family meet their potential.
Our Core Values
We Celebrate: Our African Heritage and Culture Dynamic, Transformational, Spirit- filled Praise and Worship.
We Embrace: Diversity and Inclusiveness. The Caring and Nurturing of "The Village”.
We Educate Through: Reflective Study of the Scriptures. Supporting Academic Excellence & Higher Education.
We Dedicate Ourselves To: Community Involvement. The Struggle for Liberation & Social Justice. A Lifestyle of Stewardship, Prayer, and Spiritual Discipline. The Making of Disciples for Jesus Christ. A Ministry of Excellence.